Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Alaska "Flight's On!"

Well, let the planning for Alaska 2017 start spooling up to take off RPM, or at least mag check RPM. :) The four pilots and crews for the two Maule's from FSM met by the fire on our patio last night until late, and it seems like "Fight's on!" I mean "Flight's on!"

Ken & I have started revisiting all the preparation items on the blog, making a list, checking it twice, and spoon feeding it to our partners for their purposes.

Mike Mills is out for this round, but someone has to fly balloons in ABQ! :)  Chip & Dave from VBT may be in? And we'll just basically see who can show up on the appointed day and launch to the great NW. :) I think the general plan is for the Maules crewed by fighter squadron mates will stick together for the duration. And our Bentonville friends will make the trek up with us (safety & joy in numbers), then meet their wives for flight seeing in Alaska. Then we'll see if it works out for us to fly back together or not? We'll have the process down by then, and it's not a big deal if we come back 2x2?

It was mentioned that it works for everyone committed at  this point to leave a little bit sooner than planned, a few days after Ken returns from his Nicaragua mission, say July 18th, 2017, 9:00 a.m..

That's 54 days 21 hours 23 minutes 08 seconds. 

See you then! Get or check on those passports! And let the preparation begin spooling up!

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