Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Required Survival Gear

Time to start packing? Well that's an individual decision, but it certainly is time to put together the required survival gear, perhaps in a bag by itself, so you know you have it all.

Then you can start to add the camping gear you want for the occasional nights under the wing, planned or unplanned, in a tent, hammock, or sleeping bag.

Here's a good starting link to the required equipment. It also provides an older list at the bottom, which is good food for thought! Research it on your own, or branch out from there. Please share with the group what you find. It will benefit us all and could prove a life saver!

Here's a copy of what I believe to be the latest Alaska requirements. I compared them with the AOPA website which provided a link to the current State of Alaska laws.

Alaska state law (AS 02.35.110. Emergency Rations and Equipment) was modified a while back to reduce the equipment required to be carried. The current regulations require that no airman may make a flight inside the state with an aircraft unless emergency equipment is carried as follows:

1. The minimum equipment to be carried during summer months is as follows: (for all single engine and for multiengine aircraft licensed to carry 15 passengers or less)

(A) rations for each occupant sufficient to sustain life for one week;
(B) one axe or hatchet;
(C) one first aid kit;
(D) an assortment of tackle such as hooks, flies, lines, and sinkers;
(E) one knife;
(F) fire starter;
(G) one mosquito head net for each occupant;
(H) two small signaling devices such as colored smoke bombs, railroad fuses, or Very pistol shells, in sealed metal containers;

Canada Regulations are as follows:

602.61 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall operate an aircraft over land unless there is carried on board survival equipment, sufficient for the survival on the ground of each person on board, given the geographical area, the season of the year and anticipated seasonal climatic variations, that provides the means for
(a) starting a fire;
(b) providing shelter;
(c) providing or purifying water; and
(d) visually signaling distress.

So add to Alaska's requirements [1] shelter & [2] water purification and you have your required survival equipment! Happy shopping and collecting!!

Notes on items we've found that might be of interest or benefit in your preparations:

Ken found this light weight hand ax in stock at Walmart, and Dwayne has since procured one.
Here is a link to the required mosquito head net for each person. And a water filter solution.
I've called and the marine department at Bass Pro has day and night smoke and flare signaling devices.

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