Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Getting There & Getting Home

Getting there and getting home is pretty straight forward. All of us have looked on the web by now or talked to folks with Alaska experience and discovered there are about four basic routes folks choose. The most common, and the one that makes the most sense to us is to fly up and back down the ALCAN Hwy, after entering Canada at Lethbridge and Whitehorse.

Painting with a broad brush, our route will look something like this according to the 99s website:

After reaching Dawson Creek, there are nicely-spaced stops along the way to Alaska: Fort St. John, Fort Nelson, Watson Lake, and Whitehorse all have good airport services with plenty of fuel, clean, comfortable lodging and restaurants.

Weather and adventure stops will factor in to our exact route and pacing, but this will likely be our path to the northern most & 49th State.

Get ready everyone to start chiming in with places you want to visit during our two weeks of flying around and enjoying Alaska!! In this case the "joy is in the journey," and "in the destination!" :)

Keep the preparatory  work on airplanes and provisioning going! July approaches!! :)

[OBTW, on a flight planning note, the distance from Fort Smith to Great Falls, MT is about 1050NM, requiring about 9 1/2 hours of flying time. The total distance from FSM to ANC is about 2780 NM requiring about 26 hours of flying time.]

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