Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Guns in Canada & Alaska

Shep sent me a link on the subject of guns in Canada and said that when they rode their motorcycles to Alaska a couple years ago, it was so much red tape, they elected to take only bear spray. That's one option.

Another option if you wish to have your gun for protection in Alaska is to crate and ship it to a pickup point in Alaska.

Apparently it's not that hard to carry a long gun (rifle or shotgun), and one can be carried easily in an airplane as opposed to a motorcycle. It involves printing and filling out three copies of the same Canadian form, but not signing it until in the presence of a customs officer, and paying $25 Canadian, then you have that document as your license for 60 days, which will cover our entire time and reentry into the USA.

Below are some good links on the subject. We can read them, discuss it, and then decide personally what each of us wants to do.

[1] Good, current, and informative article on transporting guns through Canada to Alaska

[2] Alaska Fish & Game on Carrying Guns in Alaska & Canada

[3] E-Z Border Crossing Article on Guns in Canada & Alaska

I stopped and talked to FedEx today 3/31/16 about shipping a handgun to AK. They can do it w/o ammo to a pawn shop or registered gun dealer only.

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