Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Alaska Punch List

Ken & I met recently at the hangar and started listing all the things we needed to research or look into for this trip -- a punch list of sorts.

I'll list here what we came up with and you can email me or add others as you think of them.

Each of us should also have a punch list for our own airplanes of things we want to do to have them ready for the journey, like oil change, annual, tires, special equipment or avionics, etc. Make that list and start marking the items off. The sooner the better. :)


[1] Sat Radio / Locator Beacon
[2] Register for eAPIS / Border Crossing                                                   
[3] One Spare Headset
[4] Sun shades
[5] Oil & Oil Change 
[6] Survival Gear Packed
[7] Itinerary Printed (Our Plan)
[8] Book on Flying Alaska
[9]  Gun and triplicate form unsigned
[10] Liability Insurance Proof Canada
[11] Airplane DHS Sticker
[12] Can Pass for each pilot & passenger
[13] Radio License
[14] ForeFlight Canada
[15] Camping Supplies
[16] Passports
[17] Route To & From Alaska
[18] Permission Letter for Canada if not your airplane

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