Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Alaska Or Bust! It's time!

Greetings to the hardy flyers and friends who intend to make the epic, bucket list worthy, flight to Alaska this summer, 2016. This plan or dream has been hatching in the minds of some of us for a couple or more years now. The date has been set, and the players identified. It's time the planning for a flying trip of this proportion gets into high gear.

This blog will serve the planners and those going with a spot to store our planning efforts and information needed for the flight in one, easy-to-find place. The three planners and any of those going should book mark it, and reference it, and feel free to add to it frequently.

I'll try to figure out how to empower you to add or edit a post directly. But until then you can email me any information you want posted, and I'll copy and paste it in a post for you, adding your name so the others will know who to thank or query about the info as desired.

It's going to be fun! And it's going to be epic!! And it's going to be a beautiful earth event!!!

Let the planning begin!!!!!

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