Monday, March 21, 2016

Pertinent Web Articles / Links

Today we start a list of worthwhile web articles or links that will help us prepare for our trip.

Please send me your submissions by email or text and I'll include them. Also, if you think a link is redundant or not worthy, let me know, and it will be removed. And report broken links for repair!

Thanks for your research and sharing what you learn. We'll start with an article from Ken this week about filing ICAO flight plans...

[1] Filing an ICAO Flight Plan on an iPad

[2] Flying to Alaska (General) How -To

[3] Flying the Alaska Highway

[4] on Flying to Alaska

[5] Clearing Customs Into Alaska

[6] So You Want to Fly to Alaska

[7] Fly2Alaska Blog with Several Links

[8] Bring Your Own Ropes - Guide to Flying To and In Alaska

[9] The Ninety-Nines, INC, Alaska Chapter

[10] 406 MHz ELT Not Req in Canada at this time

[11] AOPA on Flying to Alaska

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