Monday, July 24, 2017

And They're Off!

The Maule Parked in front of her former home
After meeting at the hangar at 0545L and spending a few minutes with media and camera crews, the Maules broke ground at 0630L and headed to SE Kansas to pick up their 4th member, spending a few minutes in the kitchen with family (and homemade cookies, coffee, fruit & yogurt). :)

The Maules then turned NW to the Boulder CO area where we enjoyed dinner, a nights rest, and wonderful hospitality from Ken's sister Jill and husband Walt. It was a great day of flying, even if hot and bumpy at times, and we had a tailwind all the way.

The Crew is completed in SE Kansas
The birds are flying well, and the adventure continues... :)

Two Maules & Four Friends Off to Alaska!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great adventure. Excited for you guys and what you are getting to see!
