Wednesday, July 26, 2017

British Colombia

We're pushing on northwest and today ended up at Fort Nelson, British Columbia. It was a shorter day than usual for us, but we were all welcoming a little rest, as we've been pushing reasonably hard. We dropped in to Dawson Creek, the official start of the Alaskan Highway and crossed into another time zone, then flew over Ft. St. John and up the ALCAN to our lodging place for the night.

We've had smooth air, beautiful weather, and tailwinds for most of our trip, certainly the last two days. :)

Tomorrow will be a longer day as we're pushing NW to Whitehorse, Yukon. It seems to be getting better and better, while it's all been great. The scenery, and catching up with each other, over unhurried meals and at rest stops. Enjoying war stories from days gone bye, enjoying the memories we made with each other that made us friends some thirty-five years ago ... friendships that have endured the test of time and continue to this day. :)

I think we all thank God, feeling grateful, humbled, and blessed to have this amazing opportunity.  His grace to you all....


  1. The grandkids have departed for home (Virginia)! I can now concentrate on tracking you guys as you head north. Best prayers are with you always. Best wishes!
