Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Alaska Day 11

Anchorage Hotel wins Best Hotel Breakfast Award :)
After breakfast in Anchorage, we departed SE for Kenai, Soldotna, and our lodging for the night, a cabin on the east bank of the Cook Inlet about half way between Anchorage and Homer on the Kenai peninsula.

 Light showers were moving in and out of the area when we arrived first at Kenai and rented a car for the next couple days. From there we made the short flight to Soldotna while Shep drove the car to meet us there. We fueled the airplanes, tied them down for the night, visited with the friendly staff at Marc Air who would change our oil two days future, made a grocery run and drove about 20 minutes to Sunset Cabins, our home for the night.

Card Games, Nuts, and Deciding Were To Go Next :)
What a Life?

Doug taught us a new card game that would become our nightly entertainment most evenings for the rest of the trip. We decided to take Bee’s advice on Seldovia for the following night, so Shep called and reserved us a room.

Dwayne and Doug took a walk to the beach and observed first hand the dramatic tide fluctuation that could also be observed while it was happening from the cabin. Ken got a head start on resting for the night, and after some lively card games, we all hit the hay.

In the Kenai Airport :)

Notice Hours of Daylight and Tide Fluctuation 

The Beautiful Kenai River
Tomorrow further south in Alaska, as the adventure continues… :)

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