Sunday, August 20, 2017

Alaska Day 2

 July 24th, Day Two of our Alaska Adventure 2017, had us flying north from Colorado, over Wyoming, and into Montana for the night. Ken is recovering a little more each day, but still pretty washed out. We learn first hand how our planes handle high density altitude at max gross weight!  Due to the high temperatures in the area we launch early and quit flying by early afternoon. Beautiful country!

Two things stick out in my mind from the flight. One is the massive size of the coal mines we flew over in Wyoming! Doug explained to me, and I later read, that Wyoming produces more coal than any other state, and 39% of the total US production. All the coal trains we see coming through Van Buren originate right below our flight path along the Powder River. There were  also lots of high desert land  and small, oasis type farms in valleys along streams. And I will say Montana is more mountainous and more beautiful than I expected.

The friendly folks at the Lewistown MT airport, helped us find a room for the night, and gave us keys to a loaner car. After we fueled and tied down our planes, we headed into town. Dreams of Alaska seem to be nearer and nearer... we're off on our adventure, day two, and our dreams seem to be more and more real. :)

Click here for photos.
Click here for YouTube video of Day 2.

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