Friday, August 18, 2017

We're Home!

 Those who followed our inReach tracking know we arrived home Monday about 4:40 P.M.. Once we left Watson Lake, we intentionally put our heads down and flew longer legs and days, while still enjoying the journey and musing about what we experienced individually and together.

Aside from a few ball caps and t-shirts, we all brought back thousands of internal images and memories of what we saw and experienced. In collecting my thoughts and meditating on them a bit, it occurred to me that we flew the same number of miles as if we'd flown to Frankfurt Germany, then flew back to Boston MA! :) I knew it was far, but that puts a different perspective on the magnitude of the journey we dreamed of and completed last Monday.

As I sort through the 10,000+ photo and video images I collected during the journey in the next few days, I intend to continue the blog for a time, with some reflections, thoughts, and links to the best images for the participants and any of you who are interested. :)

One summary of our epic journey might read like this. Our inReach tracking device sent it's first position from the ramp in front of our hangars in Fort Smith (35.33N 94.36W) July 23rd at 6:05 A.M.. The last position was sent from the same location upon our arrival August 14th at 4:41 P.M..

So our journey encompassed 23 days, 22 nights, 8205 miles, 83 hours in the air, and 646 gallons of fuel for each of our two aircraft and crews. That's one summary. :)

Another summary might go like this:

     Great Weather
          Great Fellowship
               Great Flying
                    Great Adventure
                         Great New Friends
                              A spiritual experience, really, on many levels...
                                   Great Worship
                                        Great Peace

All this seems to cry out for a response...? But the only appropriate response seems to be...
     Deep inner gratitude and silence...

...Worship and Thanksgiving to Him Who made all we've seen and extended the invitation to us to come experience it. :):):):)

“The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the world....” (Psalm 19:1–4)

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