Friday, August 11, 2017

Denali National Park

Talkeetna Dep Day with Denali in the Background :)
It was tough leaving Talkeetna. We had such a good time there, good weather, and great adventures. :) But alas, we could say that of all our Alaska destinations?

So it was with a great deal of joy in our hearts from this last successful visit and stay we headed to the airport and started to fly north, again. :)

Past the great Denali, which was as clearly in view this day as the previous. At least in the morning. Then the mountain starts to make it's own weather. Our destination for evening was Fairbanks. But along the way we would fly past the entrance of Denali National Park, which has it's on gravel back country strip! So of course we decided to land and take a look, lunch, and mid-day break. It was beautiful and unique.
Good Dental Hygiene Evidence for His Dentist

After landing we walked across the tracks of the Alaska Railway which also serves the park and just a few yards more to the parks entrance and headquarters. It's very, very well done and a fitting introduction to the massive park comprised of over six million acres, almost 10,000 square miles. And it has only one road ninety-two miles long. :) Big, big, and wild, is perhaps the best description.

Many Enjoyable Games... None More Heated than Here :)
And the center piece as we've mentioned is the tallest peak in North America, Denali, at 20,310'. I had always heard the name meant the "great one." But the park service interpreters say in the original Athabascan language of Alaska it means "tall one." Either description fits! And both Talkeetna to the south and Fairbanks to the north (and perhaps all many miles in all directions) claim it as their own. :)

When you're near you feel like you want to call it your own. And indeed it does feel like your own.

Our Path to Town from Lodge .. The Journey
The journey and exploration continues....

Flying Toward Denali :)
McKinley National Park Airport

Two Good Looking Maules
The National Park

Out the Visitor Center Window :)

Saw the Train Up Close in Talkeetna & Denali Nat Park

The Walk Back to the Planes ... Flight to Fairbanks! :)

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