Monday, August 21, 2017

Alaska Day 3

 After a delicious breakfast at a mom & pop restaurant in downtown Lewistown MT, we were airborne early for smooth air and cooler temps and headed for the Canadian border near Lethbridge AB. We were rewarded with very smooth air and delightful scenery. We then made our way north to Rocky Mountain House, AB, for fuel and then Grand Prairie, AB, for the night. :)

Memorable were the views of passing overhead Calgary and landing with a flight of nine RVs just finishing airshow practice at Rocky Mountain House, AB. :)

Crossing the Canadian Border
The stretch of flying from here to Grand Prairie, AB, where we spent the night was long and sparsely populated. But well populated with spruce trees, lakes, oil wells, gas wells, and it's own beautiful array of colors - sky, clouds, forest, lakes, streams, and an occasional farm, ranch or town.

The joy of flying formation again, not experienced since flying fighters together, added it's own special joy and dimension to this leg of the journey... north to Alaska.

 Click here for a YouTube video of the images.
Click here for more photos of the day.

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