Saturday, August 26, 2017

Alaska Day 8

During our stay at Kennicott Glacier Lodge, we met a beautiful young couple from Anchorage with backcountry aviation experience. In fact Hans & Bee were on their yearly visit to the Wrangell Mountains in their Husky themselves. :)

They in turn opened their hearts to us and we became friends. After breakfast Hans said, "Breakout your map and we'll make some suggestions for today's flying!" :) That was music to our ears and no coincidence we were certain! :) They proceeded to map out a few routes that were their favorites. Bee especially liked the Bagley Ice Field. :) And we'd soon see why!

But all their suggestions were excellent and had the added value to us of being offered by a knowledgeable pilot with lots of Alaskan  aviation experience.

 So off we went on a near perfect weather day in one of the most beautiful parts of the planet, to explore and admire the earth's remote, vast  beauty. :)

Click here for a YouTube video of the day.

Click here for more photos and videos of the day.

   “ They will mount up with wings like eagles ...” (Isaiah 40:31)

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