Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Overcoming . Dreams

Our day of rest in Anchorage was also a day of reflection. Peaceful, quiet reflection.

While trusting and resting in the conviction the right people would appear and get our plane ready to fly again, I received a text from a good friend named Roger who had just completed an Ironman event in Canada!

That led me to reflect on “dreams” and “overcoming.” They seem to go together, do they not? You must dream and walk in the direction of those dreams or you will never experience life above the fray. Accomplish what you were destined to do or experience what you were destined to experience?

The old cliche comes to mind, “If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it!” :) So dreaming is a big part of doing or experiencing something big and meaningful — perhaps experiencing the life you’ve been given to the fullest or at least more of it’s fullness?

But once you dream, and walk in the direction of those dreams, everyone knows there will be obstacles to overcome. Seems to go with the territory, and with an earth life, doesn’t it? :) 

But if the dream is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. It’s also worth doing poorly. It’s worth doing period! So expect some obstacles and never give up or quit walking in the direction of those dreams. Overcome. You can. If you never give up. :)

My heart is full, as I consider that we are in Alaska celebrating friendship and creation and the gift of flight. Seems like a dream. Yet it started with some friends talking and getting the vision that it might be possible. Then a date was put on a calendar. Some preparations began to be made … and we’re here! 

Did we have some obstacles? Even today? Yes! But we overcame because we believe in the dream and keep walking toward it. I found it interesting and reflective that I heard about Roger completing his Ironman competition today. I know something of his preparation, sacrifice,  and training because I went canoeing with him this spring. I know of many obstacles he overcame and that he wouldn’t give up. 

Maule on Floats . Lake Hood, Alaska :)
For those of you that do not know exactly what an Ironman race is, one must swim 2.4 miles, then bicycle 112 miles, then immediately run a marathon of 26.2 miles. All this in under 17 hours, one event right after the other, without a break. Are you kidding me?!

That inspired me today. And it inspires me still. Roger I’m proud of you. You’re inspiring. And I’m proud of my friends in flight, who’ve overcome a lot of obstacles to make this trip and day possible.

Let’s encourage all we know to aim high, and never give up! Godspeed on your journey.

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