Sunday, August 6, 2017


Well, plans change. This trip was designed that way. We met at the beginning of this dream trip, and decided to go without a plan! :)

We knew we wanted to fly to Alaska with two airplanes and four long-time friends. We knew it would take about a week to get here, a week to get home, and we wanted to spend about two weeks exploring and flight seeing. And we knew a few places we might like to see. That’s about all the plan we had. With fast changing weather possibly affecting our route and timing, we didn’t want the stress of reserving rooms and having to be some where at a certain day and time. So the decision was made to take the chance we’d find places to stay, or camp, and fly by the seat of our pants, so to speak.

So it wasn't a big surprise when our plan changed today. We were to fly north to the Kenai area once again to be midway to our next destination, when Doug piped up and said, “Why don’t we just stay here another day?” :) We looked at each other as if to say, “Why didn’t we think of that?!” It’s beautiful, relaxing, charming, and we feel like we just got here and the place is begging us to stay longer. :)

Confirming rooms were indeed available for an  extra night, we decided we’d spend the day in  different fashions. Dwayne would take a boat tour to see whales, sea lions, puffins, and glaciers. Doug would stay in town to take care of some business matters, and take walks. Ken & Shep would fly to Homer for lunch. Perfect!

That’s the way it went down. We just reconvened for dinner at a splendid local restaurant downtown, then walked back getting ice cream along the way. (Except for Shep, he doesn’t eat sweets.:)) And we have settled in for sleep once more in the “land of the midnight sun.” 

Tying down the Maule after Seward Arrival

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