Friday, August 4, 2017


About 8 miles from Kenai and on the Kenai River is Soldotna AK. We made our home near there in a cabin in the woods facing the Cook Inlet across from the 10,197' Mt. Redoubt, an active volcano. The low overcast skies somewhat prevalent this time of year on the peninsula kept the mountain hidden from us, but the beauty of the place and the solitude made for a pleasant stay.

Doug also introduced us to a new card game that we enjoyed until late into the night. I see some serious competition and fun in future matches! :)

Another reason we chose Soldotna for a base is that we needed to change the oil in our airplanes about mid journey due to much flying. :) We discovered Marc Aviation, a missionary ministry, on the field who agreed to help us.

We also have a couple friends from the lower 48 who live near Soldotna, and we hope to have a visit with them if our schedules allow. Friendship makes everything in life better!

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