Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Alaska Day 5

 Day 5 of our Alaska Adventure had us flying from Fort Nelson, BC, to Watson Lake, Yukon, for fuel, then on to White Horse, Yukon, to fuel and spend the night. The terrain on these two stretches of the ALCAN was varied and magnificent - extraordinary beauty in every quadrant. For the most part the weather was excellent with occasional high clouds. And these played off the water and mountains and forest to enhance the visual experience from time to time.

The vastness of this beautiful and rugged wilderness has started to settle in as we've flown for several hundred miles and three days over British Columbia and the Yukon. And from here we have about 250 miles to go before reaching the US border and the wilderness of Alaska. :)

We were told by many when we sat out not to be surprised if this stretch of our journey wasn't as beautiful as anything we'd see in Alaska. Of the three or four routes commonly flown by aircraft to Alaska we were also told this was the safest, having the highway near for emergency landings should the need arise, and the most beautiful. At the end of this day we couldn't be more pleased. And we couldn't agree more. :)

But we still have another place in our sights... north to Alaska! :)

Click here for a YouTube video of the day's flying.
Click here for more photos and videos.

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